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Focus Group with craft company owners to identify skills needs

  • Post category:News

The Focus Groups were part of the research work conducted by UJM and LAB to identify the skills needed by craft company owners according to the challenges they face everyday and will face tomorrow. 6 craftspeople were there, from Lyon and around, in different fields and with different company size.

Within two hours, the researchers of UJM were able to ask 6 questions to the craftspeople regarding their skills needs when engaging employees. With this sort of research method, we were able to collect true and actual data on the reality of the craft makers and we were able to identify that the challenges pointed by the MOSAIC project (sustainability, social inclusion, digitalisation and so on) are sometimes seen as non relevant and even more, a constraint to people who are trying to survive in a ever changing world.

All the data collected (a written transcription of every word said during the two hours meeting) was analysed and coded to be used in the reports delivered to the European Commission.


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