MOSAIC: Future-proofing VET in Arts & Crafts
The MOSAIC project will focus on three areas within Arts & Crafts sector: Traditional & rare crafts, Precious metals & jewellery, Furniture & Wood and their relation with Design, Arts & Industry. The platform of transnational cooperation that will be set up within this coves project will bring together relevant EU and non-EU partners who want to foster Excellence in VET within the Arts & Crafts sector, ensuring high quality skills that lead to quality employment and career-long opportunities, which meet the needs of an innovative, inclusive and sustainable economy.
The platform will also make it possible to break down the barriers and bring together certain universes, which still too often function in silo.

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The specific objectives of the project are:
To increase and improve collaboration between companies and VET centres, to reach a state of mutual fertilisation
To improve VET provision by delivering new training modules
To foster Internationalisation and transnational strategies in response to the evolutions of VET and society
To provide forward-looking VET through the use of digital methodologies and tools
work packages
MOSAIC’s work plan unfolds in 6 Work Packages (WP), three of them are dedicated to transversal activities such as Project management, Quality management and Dissemination & impact, while the other three are operational and are focused on delivering the main project’s outputs.
This WP is the first of the transversal set of activities that is carried out throughout the entire project duration. Its built upon the following objectives: 1. To ensure a good communication among all partners; 2. To coordinate the activities of all WPs, 3.To ensure the work plan and deadlines for delivering the project’s outputs are respected; 4. To ensure a proper budget control system and transfer of budget among all partners. SEPR is coordinating this WP due to its role as an applicant organization with all the partners equally involved. A steering committee, composed of one representative from each partner, is responsible for monitoring the project implementation and for taking decisions.
This is the second transversal activity implemented throughout the entire project duration. It consists in setting up procedures and tools to evaluate the quality of the activities carried out and if the project's objectives are achieved. This work package aims to: 1. Establish an effective internal evaluation and monitoring framework; 2. Assess the coherence between expected results and effective results; 3. Verify that the project’s results align with the objectives outlined in the application form; 4. Avoid pitfalls and address possible problematic elements; 5. Evaluate the effectiveness and quality of the implementation process set out by the partnership, delivered activities, outputs and impact; 6. Provide suggestions to maximize the project’s long-term impact and sustainability. SCF (WP2 leader) drafts and monitors the execution of the quality management plan in liaison with SEPR. All partners are actively involved in collecting data from participants and stakeholders. Additionally, an external evaluator is selected to provide an impartial assessment of the quality of MOSAIC in terms of effectiveness of implemented activities; usability of project deliverables and the quality of internal management procedures. The external evaluator delivers two reports, one at the midpoint of the project and another at the end.
Research is the first operational WP that forms the foundation for the subsequent activities. This WP (led by UJM and co-led by CCI Dobrich) has been conceived to define the state of play of the target topics covered by MOSAIC and to collect data needed to develop the following WPs. For this reason, the activities of this WP take place in the first part of the project. This WP involves intensive research divided into six main areas: 1. Skills gap analysis in the field of Arts & Crafts to identify the competences of tomorrow required by companies; 2. Use of digital technologies in Arts & Crafts VET training courses (e.g. augmented reality, virtual reality, 3D printing, simulations, gamification, etc.); 3. Practices that improve the social inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities; 4. Environmental sustainability and practices to improve its education at school in relation to creative crafts; 5. Key factors that enable the creation of Research & Development centers in VET schools. 6. New entrepreneurial models based on the digital revolution and sharing/social economy. This WP also sees the creation of an Online European Observatory on Arts & Crafts as well as a scientific journal which will provide updated statistics on the target sectors even after the end of the project.
Starting from the data collected through the research, WP4 focuses on the core activity of MOSAIC, meaning developing new pedagogical approaches to deliver high-quality outputs and up-to-date VET in the field of Arts & Crafts. The activities of this WP take place in the central part of the project’s timeline. Specifically, the WP is divided into three sets of activities: 1. Development of sectoral training modules to be used in courses related to four macro-sectors: traditional & rare crafts, precious metals & jewelry, furniture & wood, design arts & industry. 2. Training module on entrepreneurship education with a focus on marketing, digital communication and social business models, which will be tested on qualifications belonging to the “traditional and rare crafts” cluster. 3. Training courses dedicated to enhancing teachers’ skills in digitalisation and social inclusion strategies. This WP4 is coordinated by OMNIA with CMA ARA as co-leader.
This third and last operational WP is focuses on opening VET schools to the international dimension by: 1. Developing and testing blended mobility study programmes on Arts & Crafts to facilitate the exchange of learners among schools and the internationalization at home. 2. Creating an online mobility catalog where demand and supply of transnational experiences in Arts & Crafts can meet. 3. Creating online training courses for teachers to enhance their skills in planning and managing internationalization strategies. 4. Developing and testing mobility experiences for professionals working in fields of Arts & Crafts to upskill them The activities of this WP will be organized in the final part of the project’s timeline. This WP is led by Uniser.
The final WP focuses on spreading information about the project and fostering the use of its products among practitioners. This is one of the key transversal WPs which is carried out throughout the entire project duration. The main activities include communication targeted toward the general audience through online and offline channels and creating a local network of stakeholders in each country to ensure the sustainability of MOSAIC and the adoption of its results. Two workshops on sustainability will be organized by the partners before the end of the project to report on the activities with the local network of stakeholders and develop a shared strategy for the sustainability of the project after the end of the funding period. This WP also includes a transnational event to promote Arts & Crafts among young people and society in general: an international skills performance that will take place in Lyon in 2024. This event, showing Excellence in VET, will strongly resonate with the 47th WorldSkills Competition taking place in September 2024 in the city of Lyon. SEPR and Worldskills France (Associated partner of MOSAIC) will implement relevant connections between these two events. This final WP is led by EfVET and co-led by Materahub.