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What do we do in the MOSAIC-Cove project for the time being?

  • Post category:News

Article by Elina

A year and a half of the 4 years of MOSAIC project implementation period has passed. During this period, the research phase of this CoVE-project has almost been completed, with tasks such as the Arts and Crafts skills gap analysis, stakeholders’ interviews, desk researches and mapping of already existing good practices.

MOSAIC consortium’s tertiary level institutes, Jean Monnet University (FR) and LAB University of Applied Sciences (FI), have produced deliverables focused on best practices concerning themes like sustainability, social inclusion, and digital practices, reported by and implemented in MOSAIC partner VET-centres in France, Italy, Bulgaria, Canada, Armenia and Finland.

The next step of MOSAIC project has already started in the early autumn, this year. During this new phase, the work to develop the project’s innovative educational material will be done. The objective is to develop altogether 6 deliverables, three of which are sectoral study modules that address:

  • Furniture making,
  • Jewelry Making,
  • Design, Arts and Industry.

In addition to these training modules for students, one study module will also be developed about entrepreneurship for vocational students.

Two of MOSAIC project deliverables are courses for teachers. One of them concentrates on capacitating vocational teachers with social inclusion skills, and another will allow for the development of digital skills for instance creating online study courses.

The development phase started with the identification of each partner’s expertise profile. By recognizing each partner’s best expertise, we aim to choose the key development persons, who genuinely can contribute the development work with wide experience and expertise. This is a prerequisite, when we aim to develop high-quality and innovative training material.

Now, development teams comprised of MOSAIC partners that have expertise in each area covered by the educational materials have been created accordingly. All six teams are planning and developing content accordingly for each deliverable.

The ambitions are high and topics like how to code very advanced CNC-machines in furniture making, how to utilize 3D-printing in the most versatile way in jewelry making, how to brand design, arts and industry students’ know-how and how to market it most effectively with social media marketing tools are some of the questions we aim to develop content for. For teachers, we aim to develop content for instance on how to wisely use Artificial Intelligence (AI) in teaching and how to raise awareness among teachers about possible obstacles in social inclusion.

We have a very versatile mixture of partners in MOSAIC consortium. There are relatively small VET-centres (in Armenia and Bulgaria) and on the other hand also very big ones, (in Italy, France and Finland). Polytechnic partners are also big educators. We also have a very active company in MOSAIC-consortium. It is Finnish furniture making company called Wooden Oy. The CEO of Wooden Oy contributes our development work with constant innovative ideas and up-to-date knowledge of the needs of labor market in furniture making field.

The first development phase of MOSAIC educational materials will be completed by March 2024. After that, we will start testing the developed modules and courses with vocational students and teachers. The intention is to pilot these modules and courses with, at least, 100 participants in total, in 6 MOSAIC partner countries.

After the testing phase (which will take approximately 6 months), the deliverables will be fine-tuned according to the feedback from participants, collected during the testing phase.

After the fine-tuning, all modules and courses will be translated in partner languages and published. They should be completed by March 2025.

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