Sepr Société D'enseignement Professionnel Du Rhône

With its founding dating back to 1864, Société d’Enseignement Professionnel du Rhône (SEPR) has firmly established itself as a renowned and prestigious vocational training center. The first establishment of its importance in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region and one of the largest in France, SEPR has steadily evolved to become a model of excellence in vocational education.
With an annual enrolment of almost 5,000 learners, SEPR operates through six dedicated poles of excellence, covering diverse fields such as arts and design; catering and hospitality; technical fields and IT; visual communication and graphic design; beauty, health, social services; commerce.
Our comprehensive training programs range from EQF Level 2 to Level 7, and offer a variety of pathways including apprenticeship/dual training, full-time study and continuing education.
SEPR comprises more than 350 teaching and not-teaching staff. Building upon its heritage and roots, SEPR has developed strong policies in terms of:
- welcoming learners with special needs,
- developing social commitment, citizenship, solidarity among and for the learners,
- supporting excellence in VET and entrepreneurship skills, especially through its incubator,
- developing international and European activities over the last 35 years, working in partnership with 35 training centres and organisations worldwide;
- learning mobility of individuals including for learners, staff and professionals, Erasmus+ KA2 projects, capacity building and pilot projects from the European Commission.
Since 2022, SEPR has taken the lead in the MOSAIC project, which focuses on Arts & Crafts and Design, leveraging its extensive expertise and experience in these fields.
At SEPR, we are dedicated to shaping the future of vocational education and training by addressing the evolving needs of every sector of the society and equipping individuals with the necessary skills to thrive in an ever-changing world.
Team members

Claire Challande-Osuna
Head of international department

Lida Poghosyan
European and International Project Manager

Pedagogical Engineer

Aline Mariane Ribeiro
Entrepreneurship Coordinator

Christelle Melchiorre-Braz
Pedagogical Engineer

Delphine GICQUEL
Erasmus+ KA1 Coordinator

European and International Project Manager

Annaïg Jestin
Arts and Crafts and Creation