Chamber of Crafts of the Auvergne Rhône Alpes region

The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, in France, counts more than 7,000 professionals in arts and crafts, and numerous training centers dedicated to this sector.

The CMA Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is at the heart of the crafts regional ecosystem, by supporting companies and professional networks, and by being aside training centers and local communities leading development strategies for this sector.

CMA Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes has decided to join MOSAIC to ensure that the needs expressed by the arts and crafts professionals are taken into account by the training centers, so that the future graduates will not only bring the workforce needed to ensure the production of today’s companies, but will also become the guarantors of the transmission of gestures, which preserves arts and crafts jobs and makes it possible to pass them on to future generations.

The role of the CMA Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is therefore to ensure the link with the professionals, to question them about the skills needed by the sector, not only today, but also in a logic of future development. MOSAIC’s partners who represent the professional world, such as the Chamber, play an essential role in identifying the gaps between the skills demanded in the labour market and the existing training, which should guide MOSAIC’s training action. For this reason, the project needs committed companies to participate in its actions, which the Chamber helps to involve.

By bringing closely the professional and training worlds, the Chamber also seeks to better prepare young people for entrepreneurship, which is one of the main career paths chosen by the arts and craft professionals. For this reason, one of the main actions involving the Chamber will be to lead the creation of training modules dedicated to entrepreneurship, with a particular focus on key digital topics (ex. digital marketing, online sales, etc.)

Finally, thanks to MOSAIC, the Chambers will also offer the opportunity to its arts and craft professionals to experience international mobilities, that will allow them to discover new techniques.

Team members

Sarah Poyeton

Arts and Craft regional project manager

Sarah is currently the regional Arts & Crafts project manager at the CMA Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. She is in charge of managing and coordinating the regional activities and initiatives addressed to the professionals and enterprises of the arts and crafts sector, such as the European Artistic Craft Days. Sarah has a deep knowledge and understanding of the values of the Arts & Crafts entrepreneurs, but also of the challenges that they face: before the regional coordination, for 7 years she was the Arts & Crafts project manager for the Haute-Loire local Chamber, where she coordinated local projects and events in collaboration with the Arts & Crafts professionals and the local communities to promote the know-how of the local sector.