CCI Dobrich is a non-governmental organization, acting in public benefit, with the principles of voluntary membership and financial self-support.

CCI Dobrich is the biggest business support organization in the region of Dobrich, part of the network of the Bulgarian CCIs, of the networks of Eurochambers and Europe Direct. The Chamber is representative of the employers in the council for tripartite cooperation.

Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as tourism companies, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc.

The main activities of Chamber are to support, promote, represent and protect the interests of its members and other business entities in the region on local, regional, national and international level; to assist in the economic development of Dobrich region; to increase regional economic growth and prosperity, stimulating international trade and investment, synergies and promotion of international exchange of technological and business cooperation, ensuring the link between education and business for young and adult people.

Team members

German Germanov

Secretary General of CCI Dobrich

German Germanov works as a Secretary general at the Chamber of commerce and Industry Dobrich since 1994. He is responsible for the operational management of the chamber, for the implementation and coordination of projects and programs initiated by the chamber, for the implementation and coordination of projects and programs in which the chamber is a partner. He is representing the chamber before public and state organizations and institutions.
German Germanov is a Representative of the Chamber of commerce and Industry Dobrich in the Tripartite Commission as an organization of employers, Representative of the Chamber of commerce and Industry Dobrich in the Public Employment Council and Representative of the Chamber of commerce and Industry Dobrich in the Regional Council for Safe Working Conditions.


Senior Expert at CCI Dobrich

Tatyana Gicheva works as Senior Expert at CCI Dobrich and as Head of Europe Direct – Dobrich and till end of 2021 Head of Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) and, involved in international project writing, management and coordination in the in the field of entrepreneurship, employment mobility, internationalization of SMEs, etc. within the programs ERASMUS +, COSME, Interreg VA, CBC RO-BG; CBC Black Sea.

Special skills: Trainer on Internationalisation and Globalisation, Creativity and Innovation Management, E-Business, Sustainable Development, Funding opportunities; Assessing SMEs financing needs; facilitator and moderator on bilateral, national and local work-shops; brain storm sessions.

Georgi KOLEV

Junior Expert at CCI Dobrich

Expertise in preparation of business offers and requests, project reporting, events organizing, document management, brokerage event and business mission’s manager, SME business profile creator, confident in handling new tasks, flexible in assignments, attentive to details, able to network effectively.

Georgi Kolev has an excellent command of digitalisation. He is responsible for the upkeep, configuration, and reliable operation of computer and network systems, servers, workstations and peripheral devices; responsible for the install and upgrade of computer components and software; responsible for the daily system monitoring, verifying the integrity and availability of all hardware, server resources, systems and key processes, reviewing system and application logs, and verifying completion of scheduled jobs such as backups; responsible for the regular security monitoring to identify any possible intrusions.

Veselina Dzhenkova

Accountant at CCI Dobrich

Veselina Dzhenkova works as technical financial assistant in CCI-Dobrich since 2009. Her duties are supporting the SMEs internationalization at international level by preparing and disseminating business, technology and partner search profiles; Collecting of opinion from SMEs to contribute to SME feedback mechanisms; Organizing and co-organizing general or specific brokerage events and business missions to support the SMEs; Working with regional and local business service providers.